Sunday, August 14, 2011

so not a creative title kind of day haha

Hmmm. A whole week has gone by and quite quickly I might add. You have no idea how excited I am becoming to almost have a team again, to have people to run with and push me. I'm sure all have experienced trying to accomplish something hard by yourself, and you also realize how much easier it becomes with a support group! And I have sure been spoiled before when it comes to teammates that make me wanna be better and push me simutaniously :) and I am hoping for those same attributes again! Running 0n your own is scary sometimes because you can really see the power that your mentality has over your physical capabilities. I am still trying to master my thoughts ( believe in the power of believing) but it is hard. I am also becoming well aquainted with ice packs and ice baths again. Those dumb shin splints are coming back on that same stress fracture leg again. And no way am I gonna let that get me! haha. I am so excited for my cross country camp in a week, even though its at an even higher altitude haha. But oh well! It will only seem as bad as I think it will be. :) haha. Wish me luck! sure love you all!

1 comment:

  1. Take care of that leg Jess! I can't wait to see how you do this season!!!!! And I know you will rock it. Miss you. :)
